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Private Investigations:

What Is Offered:
In the modern world, there are situations that the public police are without the funding, the manpower, or the official mandate to deal with effectively. These situations require a Private Investigator to investigate them and form accurate, up to date, logically correct, legally sound conclusions based in ethical best practices. These situations include marital/partner disputes, missing persons, cyber security investigations, Blackmail and Poison Pen Letters, legal investigations for litigation, workplace injuries, insurance investigations, and
environmental investigations. Detective Cheyenne Mason is a fully licensed, bonded, Private Detective and experienced investigator with training in emergency services, courtroom decorum and professional standards, human behavioral sciences, witness preparation and examination, professional writing, writing analysis, and applied sciences including chemistry, physics, biology, and environmental science. Detective Mason's ability to read people combined with her experience and broad training make her an excellent choice to meet your investigations needs. 

_Confidential reports (reports  will not be shared with anyone other than the client except for  Law Enforcement agencies in the event that a crime has been committed or as required by law.)
--Free consultations.


Cyber Security Investigations:
Computer hackers are becoming more common and their methods more sophisticated; a single effective cyber attack on a company's network can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Detective 
Mason's experience as a high level computer programmer and connections to IT professionals makes her a great choice to investigate suspicious cyber activities. 

  Blackmail/Poison Pen 
  :Letter Investigations:

  Blackmail and Poison Pen Letters
are a form of psychological abuse.
  Blackmail can be extremely damaging
  to a person or organization's 
  reputation and costly in 
   legal fees. Poison Pen Letters
  are meant to damage a person's
     reputation and/or legal standing. Detective Mason's behavioral sciences training and writing analysis experience makes her a good choice to investigate attempted Blackmail and Poison Pen Letters. 




Missing Persons Investigations:

When a loved one goes missing with their whereabouts unknown, it can be frightening and stressful for their family and friends. Detective Mason's experience in search and rescue combined with her experience with documuntary research and interviewing makes her an excellent choice to investigate missing persons cases.

To schedule a consultation: send an email to or call +1(608) 291-4753.

Environmental Investigations:
Illegal dumping. Improper 
disposal of chemicals.
Deadly poachers.
government-private conglomerates.
These are the stuff of sci fi
horror movies. Sometimes, though,
it's real. 
of the environment 
makes us all suffer. 
Detective Mason's training
with enironmental science 
and law makes her optimal 
to investigate environmental 


Insurance Investigations:
Insurance fraud through faked injuries,
acts of Arson, faked deaths or disappearances
make everyone's rates go up and make it harder
for others to get insurance, cause more regulatory
headaches, and cause stress. Malfeasance by insurance companies denies ordinary customers insurance. Detective Mason's experience as a Firefighter-Emergency Medical Responder makes her an excellent choice to investigate insurance cases. 
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Spousal/Partner Dispute


There are many reasons why a marriage or partnership experiences conflict. Abuse. Drugs. Trauma. Stress of losing money or a job. Whatever the reason, when a relationship explodes into open conflict or implodes under its own weight, the results can oftentimes be catastrophic for both partners and friends and family members. 

Detective Mason's training in human behavioral sciences and experience in interviewing people makes her a good choice to investigate spousal/partner dispute cases. 


*Other types of cases will be taken on 

a case by case basis subject to review as needed. Detective Mason reserves the

right to refuse cases which she cannot safely investigate or would put her at risk of jeopardizing her legal and professional standing.*

Workplace Injury Investigations:
Injuries in the workplace can be life threatening to injured workers, even fatal, costly in time to train new workers afterwards, damaging to a business's reputation and legal standing, and demoralizing. 
Detective Mason's experience as a Security Officer and a Firefighter-Emergency Medical Responder makes her ideal to investigate workplace injuries cases. 
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