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Security Assessements:

Why Get a Security Assessment:
For any business that wants to be successful, 
big or small, new or well established, managing risks appropriately is critical to the well-being of the business as an organization. A security assessment is a visit from a qualified security professional to the worksite to assess the risks in the form of safety issues, crime and crime rates, civil unrest, labor relations issues, emergency situations such as fires, flooding, automobile crashes, gas leaks, and chemical releases. A clear-eyed security assessment of a business can help provide the owners with a better way to 
manage their risks effectively. 


Why Hire Me to Provide a
Security Assessment:
  -Experience-as a frontline Security Officer for going on 
    10 years, and as a
Firefighter-Emergency Medical Technician, I have been protecting a wide variety of business types and locations throughout my career. I am extensively familiar with the 
types of conditions and situations which pose a risk to busineses.

_Realistic and clear eyed-my security assessments are based on careful evaluations of both conditions onsite, as well as social conditions, statistics, and current events.I will not base my assessments on things that are signifcantly unlikely to happen or unimportant.
-Honesty-If it is a risk to you and your business, it matters to me. I will provide you with the completest answers possible to the questions you have for me without unreasonable delay or any double dealing. Your time is 
valuable, I treat you like it is. 

-Confidentiality-My Security Assessment Reports will not be given to anyone other than Law Enforcement or Fire Rescue EMS agencies without a valid signed court order. 

-Reasonable Fees: for a modest, reasonable fee of U.S

 $250, I will provide you with a signed Security Assessment Report within 1 week of a free consultation with me. 


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